Penelope Morgan

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A Woman with Muscles & Hussle.

Our shoot was mainly filled with laughing.

Mollie Gray is pretty remarkable. She’s gone through a hell of a ride to get to where she is today. Mollie played Rugby for Australia and was the star back-rower for the Wallaroos. Meanwhile she had to have not one but two knee reconstructions during her prime years as a star rugby player. Her recovery to get back on the field is truly amazing.

When Mollie Gray got in touch with me and wanted me to shoot her for her campaign ‘Boss Women Projects’ I was pumped. Mollie now runs her own project which is just taking off called ‘Boss Woman Projects’ it’s about being unapologetically strong. It’s all about encouraging Australia and the world to get behind women’s sport!

I’m not sure why there isn’t as much support for women’s sport as there is for mens? To me women have so much appeal on the court. They are fast, strong, dedicated and look amazing on the field to boot. I have so much respect for women in sport.

Call out for all girls!!! Go start supporting the girls! the more we support the more we will see of women’s sport and the more everyone sees of it the more chance these incredibly inspiring sports women will have to advocate for equal pay…….or wait up just a living wage for their dedication, which from what I’ve read and seen is on par with the level of dedication from the guys. In fact more so because did you know women have to work more than twice as hard to actually build muscle as men?…..So total respect to the girls with the guns.

Check out this epic video of Mollie explaining how she beat the odds and returned to the field after serious injury.

Despite the lack of credit women get in the industry, it’s great to see that these incredible sporting women get in there and give it all they have.

To check out Mollie’s inspiring ventures as she pushes forward as advocate for women in sport click here

Below are the images we took for her inspiring project.